Saturday, December 30, 2006

There is Gold in That Hill...

I have been pulled over by the police twice since I moved back to B.C. 9 years ago. The first was a few years ago when I was doing an airport run with my buddy Darryl. Darryl somehow convinced me that the HOV lane on Highway 99 before the tunnel is a two person HOV lane. The police man waiting for me and Darryl that day disagreed. I almost made it through because he saw the car seat in the back. Suddenly he did a double take and realized it was empty. If I would've driven away fast I either would have gotten away OR could be typing this from jail right now. Darryl was kind enough to split that ticket with me.

This past week, Darryl was generous enough to offer us two free nights in a condo he got for free in Whistler. Yes, he was definitely blessing it forward. First of all, Whistler is way out of my league. It is for people who don't drink Molson, Tim Horton's, or know what the letters GM stand for on a car. Whistler is actually latin, pronounced "wistlerio" which mean "really freaking rich people." I digress.

On the way to Squamish from "wistlerio" in search of my first coffee of the day (at Tim Hortons), I noted that the engineers who built the road put a nice, long hill going into town. Now, without really stepping on the gas pedal, I was able to progress to a speed of 132 km (and this is hypothetical, I mean she said "the gun said you were doing 132km--if I had to do it again I would've asked "which gun?" after which I probably would've gotten shot with one of 'em).
My four daughter in the back thought it was cool that the police officer was a women and the only comment they all agreed on was "we really like the way she does her hair." Oh man, I should've had sons. My other daughter wanted to know why I broke the law.

Apparently doing 132 km in a 90km zone costs $196, but apparently she was generous because she said "I don't know why I'm not booking you for excessive." That doesn't sound too good.
I went to Tim Hortons where Bev quickly informed me she was driving so that I could "relax" and play the alphabet game in the car with my children. No word on whether Darryl is paying half of this one.

Alas, upon writing what I thought was a somewhat humorous email to my family, my mom offered some perspective: "I'd rather that a police officer make you stop than another speeding car." My mom has a way of making me shut up and be thankful, even on my blog.


Stewart said...

When Dan Dejong and I lived in Squamish we were amazed at the number of speed traps, seat belt checks and road blocks that these small town PO-lice could produce.

One day after school we were driving out of Squamish to Britannia Beach, where we actually lived. The 99 slows to a sixty zone in the Squish inner limits but as soon as you're out of town it's 80 again. Well most assuredly the same engineers had built a nice hill at the end of the 60 zone and placed the transition to the 80 zone on the corner at the bottom of the hill. The engineers also had the presence of mind to put a little pull out at the bottom of the hill big enough to park two cop cars and several pulled over cars. So dan and I got nabbed for "exessive" speeding because we were going 83 or something like that and we're sitting there in our misery and the only thing between us and the 80kmh sign is one bushy tree. So the woman who was issuing the ticket had such joy in her that she was able to notice Dan had forgotten to put his "N" on the back of his truck and so she slapped that $115 ticket on top of $160 speeding ticket and THEN she told him that he needed to get his bumper fixed within ten days and she reprimanded him for not having his brittania beach address on his driver's licence in what was probably the third week living in the place! I was absolutely furious and dan was just silent and very beaten down. It was a sad day.
I hope that's comforting beims... I mean honestly, who could possibly be that ruthless to dan dejong?

beim said...

The only person who has a reason for being that ruthless is the teacher that was subbing for me and discovered dan dejong reading his AR book while dressed in a wet suit sitting under my desk.

oh man, that was priceless. And remember dan and gabe and the sock puppet show for lord of the flies. oh man, i still talk about that in the staff room.

good story stu...i think i met that cop yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I believe her name was Miss Ram and I remember that day as on of the finest in English 11 class history... besides maybe Alexandra Vraciu GISNFI (I forget the rest)... or Sherri Kraan's struggle with your superfluous teachings. Oh what a year it was. Thanks for the good times Beimers.