Sunday, January 21, 2007

When We Build it....

Some of you know that the school I teach at ( has been working hard the last two years to raise money to build a school in Kabala (Sierra Leone). Students alone have raised well over $50,000--even though the goal was $25,000.

A good friend, Asher, who is completing his architecture degree through Dalhousie, is in Sierra Leone for the next six to eight months, is now in Kabala designing an African school for African people (as opposed to a non-functional Western school in Sierra Leone). Keep up with Asher through his new blog:

This project is in the wonderful hands of a young man that has an incredible global perspective. You may have seen some of Asher's work before. He did this as a final project with some buddies last year at Dalhousie, and it garnered some international attention. It is titled "A Walk in the Park:

1 comment:

Jo said...

Hey, it's good to hear more about Sierre Leone. It still gives me goosebumps, thinking about it. I looked at your previous blog (lucky you, my friends love that book. i've yet to read it), and I just thought I'd tell you that Donald Miller is coming to speak at a Houghton chapel soon! I instantly thought of grade 12 bible class and devos. Good times.