Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mindless Thoughts that Will Never Be Blogs Some Day

* My 5 year old daughter kept filling up a syringe with water and spraying it out in the sink, procliming loudly "Look dad, a penis peeing." Oy veh, 15 more years of that.
*We were thinking of having people over to plan my nephew Michael's trip to Sierra Leone to go work on the school, but we ended up digging a trench around our house after discovering that our basement is filling up with water. Friend Oense said in church "it's a dry rain..." Oense is from Alberta. The guy he said it to was from Alberta. They laughed. Sometimes Oense says things that only make sense to people from Alberta.
*My nephew Joel watched the Canucks in San Jose Friday. Friend Bryan watched the Canucks in Phoenix on Thursday. I was watching the game on pay-per-view until trench warfare began in the back yard.
*Chris Simon received the longest suspension in NHL history for his stick work on Ryan Hollweg. Better yet, you can get banned for life from my church softball league for drinking during the game. Maybe I'll just Bertuzzi some Baptist during a game and go out for a beer after.
* I freely admit that I enjoy getting a Tim Horton's coffee almost every morning on my way to school. I also admit that I am 0/18. Worse off, every time I pick up a coffee there is a growing list of "winners" at the Tim Horton's I frequent. Today the number was 764. Finally, friend Sean made the statement that not all Tim Horton's coffee is the same. I disagreed. The more I think about it, it is true, a "Large 1 and 1" does not taste the same everwhere you go.


Mr. H said...

The first musing cracked me up. I was in the library and people looked at me oddly. Sweet glory.

Nancy Anderson said...

Thanks for the comment- great to hear from you! Oy veh is right!! Have a restful break.

josh Harskamp said...

2/4... it's just how I roll.