Saturday, August 25, 2007

Some blogs that keep me coming back...

Besides checking email this summer, I really have enjoyed spending less face time in front of the computer. There are still a few blogs/websites that I check up on, and I'd thought I'd share them. These are a mix between sports, theology, blogs etc. Here they are, in no particular order.

1) The Sports World-Most sports junkies I know prefer, but I've used cbssportsline for many years and know where to find scores, articles, and features.

2) Smalltown Montana newspaper-This goes back to the time Bev and I lived in Montana. They cover high school sports really well, so it allows us to stay connected with former students I taught and the school I taught at. When I left Montana, one of my areas that I taught was K-8 P.E. (kingergarten P.E. still goes down as the hardest class I ever taught, but also the funnest), and those kindergarten students are now going into grade 11. Wow.

3) Dordt College Athletics-My college alma mater-I follow mostly the soccer (I was a manager/assistant coach for a couple of years), women's volleyball (because I love vollebyall and have coached it for many years), track and field (my niece Christina runs track at Dordt and holds the 60m indoor track record) and basketball (because we are friends with the coach)

4) Border Lineups-About once a week/every other week we head into Lynden to buy our dairy (mostly milk and cheese) and fill up with gas (It is about 70c/litre CDN in the states). We don't like to wait in line. For example, the line up at the truck crossing right now is 1 hour-15 minutes. Insert slag about spending our money in the States.

5) Vancouver Canucks-Because I need to check how many days until we win the Cup, and the new jersey are unveiled on Wednesday.

6) Mike Todd--Because I still haven't really come across a better blog that is a combination of challenging my faith, great quotes, current events, funny lines, and confident vulenerability. For example, today Mike talks about the new iphone. Yesterday he discussed the some of the tough stuff about following Jesus. Before that, he has a political cartoon. This is one site I check the most. And Mike is constantly adding new blog entries. And he is a pretty cool guy, to boot.

7) Zach Lind-Jimmy Eat World-A bit of a newer blog for me (last three months). Hey, it is the blog of Jimmy Eat World drummer Zach Lind. We love Jimmy Eat World in our house, and Zach has some sweet thoughts. And he lists Rob Bell's "Velvet Elvis" as his favorite book, a book we've re-read a few times around here.

8) Sierra Leone School Project-Well, simply put, no project has impacted me as much as this one. Our entire community has raised over $100,000 to make education a reality for 140 students starting this September. Asher DeGroot, the architect of the school who spent 6 months there, is a good friend and a brilliant writer.

9)Weather-Well, not only do I want to know what the weather is today, but for the next five days. Chance of showers tomorrow, highs of 19, but by Tuesday it will be sunny and 25 (28 on Wednesday...)

10)The rest: I usually check out Dan Kimball's blog, Jason Z/li> (both of these guys deserve their own entry), Rob Bell to listen to him speak/li>, and former student and now very good friend James Harskamp I should actually put James in here by himself too, I think I read his blog every day--the most random and funniest writer I know...)

Anyways, that is a sampling, there is a whole wack of others ones too, but I tried to give some variation. Now, I've got to go and watch "Pooh's Grand Adventure." It is movie night over here.


Mike Todd said...

We're Number 6!

We're Number 6!

beim said...

But number 1 in our hearts...

Mike Todd said...
