Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Open Doors

Many of you have been involved at some level with our community's attempt to build a school in Sierra Leone. The students at our school and the larger community have raised over $100,000 to make this a reality. Check out Asher's blog for the most recent photos as well as some very important election results from Sierra Leone.

So, what does it mean: This Monday is the first day of school. Amen, so let it be!

I can't imagine what this means for people like Asher, Oense, J.T. Koroma, Jo Kuyvenhoven and all the rest of the people involved in this. The Lord willing, Monday is the beginning of a new story that has many chapters that covers many years.

From this...

to this...

To Today...

1 comment:

cara said...

that's awesome!