Wednesday, October 31, 2007

You Can't Have One Without The Other

Overheard in the staff room when discussing where God is in the many crisis of poverty, AIDS, Africa, the downtown eastside...

"We can't ask 'where is God in this tragedy, why doesn't He do something, how could he allow this to happen?' without asking 'where are we in this, why don't we do something, how could we allow this to happen.' The first question shouldn't be asked without the second."


Lynn Webb said...

Well said... Im in the middle of reading a book on global poverty and it says some things along these lines. What are we to do?

Nancy Anderson said...

So glad you added the part about the downtown east side. One thing that I find every time I'm home is that my eyes are so much more open to the poverty around us much closer than we think. People don't have to go to Africa to make a difference- and it can be done literally one person at a time- sounds corny but the thoughts of changing the whole problem are overwhelming. We can all handle stopping for one though!

Mike Todd said...

We are the Body. Where is God? Where are we?!