The popcorn will be popping and the (soda) drinks will be drunken. I am not sure if drunken is a word but I am using it for the sake of alliteration (side note: Harold Druken once scored a goal against the L.A. Kings to propel the Canucks into the word if Drunken has ever played a game in the NHL). Anyways, let's get the party started.
Update: I've just checked on the word "drunken." It is a word, but I think I am using it as a verb, when it is actually an adjective. Either way, it is Diet Coke with some vanilla ice cream, so drunken is not being used properly. Check it out:
drunk·en /ˈdrʌŋkən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[druhng-kuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. intoxicated; drunk.
2. given to drunkenness.
3. pertaining to, caused by, or marked by intoxication: a drunken quarrel.
All of this talk makes me think of my friend Joel, who always used to say "I am drunk on life."

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