Monday, January 12, 2009

Tickle Me, Phyllis

A couple of years ago Bev and I went to San Diego for the National Pastors Conference. It was an amazing experience on so many different levels. I remember stocking Eugene Peterson for a while. How many guys do you get to sign your Bible? It was sweet. Another person I heard back then was Phyllis Tickle. I told Bev I had a theological crush on her. Some of her writing carries me through Advent and Lent each year. An amazing woman, I would say! I've been tracking her ever since. I am really looking forward to reading her book, The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why.

I found this series of interview between her and Pete Rollins, someone whose blog I try to track (let's be honest: sometimes I "get" Pete, other times I'm just not smart enough to follow it, but he seems to be amazing! Note to Dan--He is coming to Edmonton, you need to go). Anyways, here they are together...there is a series of four interview that combine for about 15-20 minutes. Please enjoy, they are both voices that are worth listening too.


LuAnn Westerhuis said...

Hey, after our conversation today I also went home and searched YouTube for Phyllis. I understand what you were saying...she does remind me I someone I know. LW

Louise Chapman said...

Okay, so I didn't watch the interviews (yet) but I like the `theological crush':)