Wednesday, February 04, 2009

From Bev, with love

I don't spend too much time writing about my family. They are amazing and a blessing to me and they have transformed my life, but I just don't write too much about them. On Facebook, there is this thing going around about "25 random things" about yourself. I saw Bev's today and asked if I could publish it here just to give you some insight into my life. So now, here is 25 things about my dear wife the world needs to know.

1. I love my coffee in the morning. I have a raging headache by noon if I don't have it. Around 10 AM I can sometimes be found frantically searching for the nearest Tim's or Starbucks if I left the house without my morning fix. This makes me think I should quit, but I love it and all the cosy, relaxing, warm feelings that come with it.
2. I love fresh sheets on the bed, but I do not like laundry - folding is the worst.
3. I love music and singing and Bruce Springstein live in concert.
4. My favourite smells are grilling steak and baking bread.
5. I wish things didn't need maintenance.
6. I love seeing the mountains out of my windows and having the ocean only 15 minutes away.
7. I love laughter that brings tears to my eyes.
8. I have a weakness for peanut M&M's (I'm having some right now!).
9. I love one-on-one chats with good friends.
10. I have learned and experienced so many things and changed in so many ways in the past 15 years that I sometimes feel like a different person, but more like the person I was born to be. Does that make sense?
11. I love to read but tend to neglect everything when into a good book.
12. I find that whenever something bad happens, I want to find someone or something to blame, but in the end, the bad thing still happened.
13. I like to have a neat, clean, organized house, but realize with 4 kids it is not only impossible but also not that important.
14. I like to play and watch sports.
15. I love to take pictures.
16. I don't mind baking, but cooking supper every night seems like such a chore most nights. It's always a treat for me to order in or eat out.
17. I love how I feel after exercising, but not during it!
18. I love it when my kids apologize to each other without my having to tell them to.
19. I don't like a lot of wind.
20. I love the excitement of a big snow storm, but I also don't mind having it all gone 2 weeks later.
21. I can recall specific instances when God was telling me quite clearly that I cannot do it all by myself - it definitely takes a village!
22. I would most assuredly choose a Canadian beer over an American beer - I'm a dual citizen so I can say that!
23. I don't like to talk a lot first thing in the morning.
24. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up!
25. I love to give and get hugs, especially from my girls and Matthew.
26. I love and am very grateful for my family and community and realize not everyone has this.
27. I don't usually do these things, but I enjoyed making this list. Go figure!


Louise Chapman said...

Thanks for sharing, I feel like I know Bev a lot better now...silly facebook isn't all bad:)

Unknown said...

Good Stuff Bev (Via Matt). I've an ocean right out of my front window. A white, wet snow ocean.