Thursday, April 16, 2009

Goat Canucks Goat: Update

After being interviewed on CBC yesterday, Joel was interviewed by CHUM radio today. It was excellent. The DJ's were enthralled and bought three goats themselves. They then challenged the listeners to buy goats, and they had several live calls of people buying goats. Joel got a call this afternoon from CHUM because people were walking in off the street and donating money. The radio station then put a direct link to the Goat Canucks Goat facebook page and to CRWRC, the amazing organization that allows us to buy goats at only $24 (CRWRC does excellent work at low overhead...they are to be commended and worthy of support). Have you got your goat?

Tomorrow the Langley Times is doing an extensive story and we will post it here when we can. UPDATE: Article can be found here!

Joel also received an offer from a Darrell, a web site designer to do a free website, with all costs covered (thanks Darrell, you are amazing). Check out Darrell's website to see his amazing work.

And here is a sneak peak!

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