Wednesday, May 28, 2008

When a Sheep is Not a Dog

Found this over at Professor Jim's place. I read him almost every morning as he is working at writing everyday with "A Year of Giving Thanks" as the backdrop.

Ancient Wisdom

A Midrash tells of a rabbi who asked his students how one can be certain the night is over and the dawn has come.

One student suggested, "When one can tell the difference between a fig tree and an olive tree."

Another said, "When my eyes can distinguish a sheep from a dog."

The rabbi replied, "No. When you can look into the eyes of another and recognize your sister and brother. Then, truly the night is over, and a new day has dawned."

--from Munib Younan, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan, as qtd. in Context.

1 comment:

Nancy Anderson said...

If it's alright, I'm going to use it on my blog also (giving credit where credit is due!)