Monday, June 16, 2008

To My Sister Marg...I mean, Pastor Marg!

Tomorrow is a big day for our family. My sister Margaret is currently in Grand Rapids attending the annual North American meetings of the Christian Reformed Church (I have no idea what other denominational traditions call those meetings, for us it is known as "Synod.") Tomorrow Margaret will undergo her final "examination" where she is interviewed in front of all these delegates from around North America, and she will receive her papers that officially ordain her as a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church.

While I am proud of how the reformed faith has informed my worldview, what I am not proud of is the history the Christian Reformed Church has in how it has treated women. Women have only been allowed to seek ordination in the church for a small number of years. This is the first year (ever!) that women can actually be delegates at synod--that is disturbing and sad. My own story had us leaving a local Christian Reformed Church because that church wouldn't allow women in "office" (they wouldn't allow women to preach or even be elders). It was an extremely tough decision and we left behind many friends, but felt we could no longer participate in good conscience anymore.

So I proud of my sister on a number of levels. One of those levels is that I am so appreciative that my four daughters have an aunt who has gone before them to become a pastor in a church. My other sister is an amazing high school teacher, so my daughter's are surrounded by women who teach and teach well. I wish I was there but will be watching it via podcast tomorrow morning. My mom and dad made the trip to Michigan as well as Marg's husband, Ed.

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