*There is a mole in my backyard and I have been trying for three days to kill it. By drowning. Each morning I wake up and he has dug yet another hole. To add insult to injury he dug a hole when I was staring into the backyard pondering how to rid my backyard of this little varmit. I ran with my hose to get him, my daughters laughing and pleading to let him live another day.
I don't know what happened, but at some point I went from hating this mole to almost enjoying this little battle. Last night I declared victory. This morning, the mole let me know that he was up for the fight.

*Pray for Cal and Anita and their kids. They were involved in a serious car accident that involved airlifting some of their children to VGH. As Oense said, we need to storm the gates of heaven with prayer for their children.
*I am leaving for South Dakota and Iowa where I am taking my last class to complete my M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction. I've never really wrote much about it on the blog in the last three years, mostly because I was never really sure that I would get it done! I am bringing some Canadian beer and Cuban cigars along to drink and smoke when I walk out of that class for the last time. But I am close. I am closer to getting my Masters done than I am to catching that mole.
*A good friend for many years, Joel Ringma, spoke at our church on "Detours" and you can listen to it here. . I'm obviously biased, but it was brilliant. Maybe brilliant isn't the right word...maybe "transformational" or "hopeful" fit better.I know it hit Bev and me right in the heart just thinking about our own journey over the past few years: miscarriages, premature birth, death of a brother...and the list goes on. Yet Joel gave us renewed hope and something to cling onto in this week without being trite or sentimental. It was just real. And it pointed us to the cross.
Unfortunately, Joel also beat me at golf this week. He got some really favorable bounces, which really makes me wonder if he gets a bit of a "break" just because he is a pastor. Some of his shots didn't have a hope in hell of amounting to anything, yet...somehow...
*I returned $51 in empty cans and bottles in the last seven days. That should cover the cost of gas to Seattle on our trip. Blah blah blah the price of gas should make us change our lifestyle. Yeah, I walked to the library today so I could get some books to read because I don't dare drive anymore. I get that. But I don't really understand how higher gas prices are good for the lower class or middle class or seniors on fixed income. Is it me, or are the rich really just getting richer. And I'm still driving to Iowa in my suburban. By myself. Just kidding. I think my family is coming with me. I got this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12424523/
article from Mike that helps.
*I got back on Facebook a few months ago. Do you ever give the axe to people who want to be "friends" with you?
*There is a lady up our road who hits about 5,000 RPM and 75km/hour in the first hundred feet out of her driveway, which happens to be right in front of our house. I am going to secretely roll out a ball or even a mannequin just to get her to slow down. The Christian thing to do would be to go and talk to her. But, I figure I can talk to her right after she "runs over" one of my fake kids.
*Oense and Jenny are in Kabala right now as the school winds up its first year. They have done some blogging on it to keep everyone over here in the loop. What a project! God is good...all the time.
*Watch this. Thanks to Mike Todd. Keep pressing on.
Moles actually look like that eh? Wow. Ugly.
next time you see that mole digging in your yard, grab a shovel, scoop it out of the ground,and either smack it or throw it in someone else's yard..
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