My mom and dad celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last weekend. It was an incredible few days of dinners (Thursday), open house (Saturday) and hanging out with my brothers and sisters (Sunday). It was an opportunity to honor my mom and dad for showing us each day what it means to live faithfully. On Sunday we had lots of incredible conversations where I got to know my mom and dad even better as they shared some of the joys and difficulties of their immigrant journey. We talked about how to walk the line between giving grace and still standing up for injustice. It seems that as they get a little older they seem to share with more confident vulnerabiity. We also walked through the cemetary where my grandfather was buried and we heard some incredible stories about the impact my grandparents had on my own parents. The words can't describe what the weekend meant to me. Traveling mercies to my mom and dad as they continue on this journey.
My niece Jessica and her sister Christina and her boyfriend Paul are heading back to Iowa for school. What an incredible time; I am always a little envious when they leave as it is such a unique time of life. Traveling mercies to them and especially to Jessica as she begins her first year of university.
My Master's is done. The mole is still alive. This mole has obviously been blessed with traveling mercies. We've tried the hose, we've tried juicy fruit in the hole, and we've tried garlic. I am beginning to feel like Wile. E. Coyote. Below are some pictures from the summer.
another blog! About time..a little pressure goes a long way I guess. Good to see you again, safe travels in the upcoming year. Take care
When I see you with a rocket pack strapped to your back, lugging around an Acme anvil, I gonna call you on taking this whole mole thing waaay too far. :-)
Good post, beim.
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